From Our Heart
If there is one word to describe what God is imparting to his people throughout the nations at this time, that word would be, “desperation.” Some might call it hunger but it has truly gone beyond a mere hunger for the fullness of Christ and become a desperate desire to be transformed into his image to be one, even as he is one. We have been given the “gift of desperation.” This is causing his people to throw off the restraints of reputation, systems, what looks proper or fits with cultural protocol, and to receive this gift of desperation.
In many ways, we have been like those in 2 Timothy 3:5,
“…having a form of godliness but denying its power…”
We do not want a form of oneness but we desperately desire true oneness. We do not want a form of love but we want to have agape love. We do not want a form of family, yet live as a divided house. and we do not want a form of being his people but not being transformed into his image. We are becoming desperate to have his power come and make us like him.
He is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves. Like Joshua the high priest in Zachariah 3, He is removing our filthy garments and giving us new, clean linens. A new wineskin is even now being formed and we will be pouring into it as new wine. This desperation is leading us into a new way of living and giving us a new heart. Though at times we feel as though we are standing naked before God and man, the Spirit of the Lord is making a safe place for us to be transformed and clothed anew.
Pray for one another through this time. Let us carry one another before the throne of grace, where we receive mercy amid desperation. We are seeing the seed of transformation in many nations—Korea, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Israel. These seeds will bear fruit in every nation. Beauty for ashes will be our testimony even as our brokenness releases a “broken hallelujah” that is heard throughout the world.
Our Featured Global Family
Jeffrey & Kathi Pelton- Oregon, USA
Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton were both born and raised in California. Jeffrey was born into a very loving family with two siblings and although they did not know the Lord, he had a beautiful childhood. Kathi was born into an Italian-Catholic family, also with two siblings, but faced many years of physical and emotional abuse. Though their childhoods were very different, God was faithfully pursuing them individually and in their late teen years, both Jeffrey and Kathi became the first “born again believers” in their families— eventually leading their parents and siblings to Christ. Kathi’s testimony of overcoming the pain of years of abuse has become a story of hope to many childhood abuse survivors.
They were married in September 1983 after meeting one another at church—Kathi was 19 years old and Jeffrey was 24 years old. they decided to move across their country to attend bible college, believing that God was calling them into a life of full-time ministry. After bible college, they returned to California where they began to help plant a church which they served in for over sixteen years. During that time, they had four beautiful children, two girls, and two boys.
In 2002, a well-known prophetic voice in North America, named Patricia King, flew to California to ask them to move to Canada and become the directors of a house of prayer that she had opened in British Columbia. The Lord made it clear to them that this was his will and they moved their entire family to Canada. Not long after arriving in Canada, Kathi was invited by David Demian to a Watchmen for the Nations Canadian Family retreat. It was during that meeting that the Lord asked her to walk with the Canadian family. She and Jeffrey answered that call and began traveling with the Canadian family for many years. In 2006 they moved back to California but continued to be a part of the Canadian family and journey, which led to being a part of this wonderful global family of which they are still a part of. Over the next number of years, they not only served as a part of the global family but as a couple, brought foster babies and many foster teen boys into their home to give them a family.
They have traveled extensively throughout North America and the nations to speak, be a part of teams, walk with the global family and work with believers serving in governmental positions. they are both authors as well as serve as pastors in Portland, Oregon, USA. Kathi has served on many national and regional prophetic counsels and is currently writing her seventh book. Jeffrey is a teacher, and pastor and owns a book publishing company that has published books for our beautiful Chinese family. Their hearts in everything that they do is “FAMILY.” They are now grandparents to three young boys and their grown children minister alongside of them and have joined them at many gatherings throughout the years.
In early June, our precious Korean family gathered for a time of healing, and intimacy and to join hearts as one family. Here is a report from Elijah Lee about their time together:
“We, the Korean family, are truly grateful for what God has done in our midst during our four days together. Thank you for your prayers and support.
It was far bigger and deeper than we all expected. Many of us shared that they didn't want to come this time after two years of separation due to Covid because many have carried long-lasting hurts and disappointments toward one another. Some wanted to leave the meeting place after the first night of spending time together because it seemed nothing had changed and the same pattern repeated. Yes, it was impossible for us to break through according to our opinions.
Then on the second day, we got together. Earthen vessels started breaking in the merciful presence of God. Fathers and mothers broke their hearts open and shared honest pains, fears, and weaknesses. Their sharing in humility and transparency shook the whole family. Then the middle generation opened up their hearts and they voiced out. Even in their honest sharing toward their parents’ generation, they showed their honor and appreciation to them. They wanted to stand together with fathers and mothers. Their cries got heard. This kind of sharing continued the whole day. It was so painful. It felt like a Korean family was lying on the operation bed and our chests were cut open for surgery. But God was there with us listening to our hearts cry and He let us go through all this. But we saw hope in the middle of hopelessness. The light was shining through the cracks of our vessels.
The third day, the younger generation brought up their struggles with their parents’ generation in their natural family and also in our gathering family. They shared how much they felt disappointed and insecure when they saw tension, conflict, and split between the parents and also between the father’s generation and the middle generation. It was not an easy process to face our weaknesses and the reality of where we have been in our relationships.
Then the final day came. We committed ourselves once again and declared ‘Quitting is not an option and we will fight against our accuser of brethren by the blood of the lamb.’ It was times of many tears, confessing our sins to one another and forgiving each other. It was a time of shaking our rigid system which was so deeply rooted in religion and tradition. We know this process is not finished yet; it is just the beginning. We decided to meet together every month face to face to share how we are doing and what kind of struggles we have in our lives. We believe God wants the Korean family to grow mature, so we can be ready for our North Korean family to join us when the time comes and also, we can serve our global family. So please pray for us to find ways to grow mature together as a family in our relationships with one another and to live out oneness.
Thank you, family, for standing with us in love and covering us with your prayers. We were able to come this far because you were there always whenever we needed help and support. Thank you for being such a good model of love, care and wisdom to us. We love you so much. We give all the glory and honor to our God.
From Our Prophetic Artists
The Creative Art team has been seeking to hear what the Spirit is saying and express it visually.
By Francesca Lok, Singapore
When the global family shared on oneness, it was trust and honour that secured the generations. One father shared a story about the seed sown into the family of nations. I knew the LORD has given us new seeds at this time to those who want to receive a new thing. This sketch was a very clear vision that appeared in front of me while I was in worship. Matthew 13:23-- The seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
By SM, China
We need to dwell in the peace and assurance of the Lord when we are amid the dark storm (John 14-15). I had a dream that in the dark, black storm there was a tabernacle filled with many people in worship. The more turbulent the times, the more the light emerges through worship. God’s dominion shall continually be established in our midst. Now is the special time for the young generation to gather and unite, in all manner of unity. That undivided love of God is the key to the glory of God’s power. Loving God in unity is the key that frees us to release God’s dominion and might through His love in us.
This song by Steffany Gretzinger called, “Letting Go” has been the cry of many during this time of desperation among the nations. Click on this link to watch the video of this song that also has the lyrics:
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