From Our Heart
We are excited to announce that we will be sending the global family a monthly newsletter that will keep us connected— heart to heart. These newsletters will keep you current as to what is happening from month to month so you can be a part of what God is doing throughout the nations.
We have titled it “The Seed”:
“…for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.” 1 Peter 1:23
Each newsletter will include:
Global Online Gathering Dates
This Is Us—Short profiles of featured families from a different nation each month.
The Perfume— Worship updates from worship leaders across the globe.
The Plumbline— A featured teaching from our teachers in the family.
The Portrait— An update from our prophetic artists from across the globe.
The Path— Visual updates displaying where we have been through photos.
The Planting— An update to share where we are plowing and sowing.
The Seed will help you continue to be part of sowing the seeds of the Kingdom throughout the nations. Look for it in your inbox at the beginning of each month. If you know someone who would like to subscribe, have them go to to sign up for our mailing list.
Our Featured Global Family
By Kathi Pelton
I recently had the honor of spending my morning with one of our beautiful families from the UAE. Anoop and Deepa Thomas radiate the purity of heart and kindness that washed over me during our time together. They have two children, Eliza (meaning God has kept His promise), fifteen, and Ephraim (meaning God has made me fruitful), nine. They have been married for seventeen years and truly put family first in everything they do. Their children’s names have powerful testimonies that are deeply meaningful. Both Anoop and Deepa are influential in the business world and disciples of Christ wherever they go. Anoop is passionate about making disciples and training believers, while Deepa is primarily dedicated to her home, marriage, and children, so that they are raised up in the fear of the Lord and diligent in all their studies.
Anoop was raised in India surrounded by his strong Christian family. Due to the political climate during Anoop’s childhood, his father was forced to work far away in Kuwait and was regularly separated from the people he loved. However, Anoop was surrounded by his mother, siblings, aunts, and uncles who made sure he was receiving all that he needed. Anoop deeply loved his father, a wonderful man who would return to India one month a year to join his family face to face. Even though his father was away so much, Anoop never felt that he lacked a father figure in his life, because his uncles stood in the gap throughout the years.
Deepa is also of Indian descent but spent most of her childhood in the UAE. She came to know the Lord at seventeen through a friend and her mother. In the years that followed she focused on nurturing her relationship with God, as well as her education and growing in Christ’s character. As is common in Indian culture, Anoop and Deepa’s marriage was arranged by their parents. Although this posed several years of struggling for them to find true love, they have surely come to that place of not only spiritual oneness based on their marriage covenant but a oneness of heart and soul. They grew genuinely in love, which is apparent as you spend time with them. What began as two very opposite personalities has now become the blending of melody and harmony, making a beautiful sound.
During our time together, they showed me maps and pointed out where they are from, shared the history of those cities, and helped me understand more about the UAE. I was so happy to hear that their country, though an Islamic nation, allows Christians to gather for worship and fellowship with freedom. They are not permitted to evangelize in public settings, but God has made a way to spread the gospel in many creative ways. Anoop is involved in an international discipleship program that runs short-term discipleship schools in different nations. He is the coordinator for the Middle Eastern as well as African nations.
This delightful couple also took time during our virtual visit to learn about my family and where I am from. We also worshiped together and prayed for one another. It truly is lovely when brothers and sisters dwell together in unity.
Anoop and Deepa are relatively new to the global family journey. Over the past few years, they have found it to be a deep well to draw from, just as we have discovered that they are a deep well for us to drink from. Anoop is a worship leader and when Deepa accompanies him, the sound is truly anointed as you are drawn into the Lord’s presence. Every evening they gather with their children to spend time in worship, the Word, and prayer. Anoop plays the guitar, Eliza and Ephraim join him on keyboards and drums, and Deepa’s lovely voice accompanies them. This time is a priority for them so that their children learn from an early age the value of worship, knowing the Word of God, and prayer. We have so much we can learn and receive from this beautiful family.
Pray for the leadership of all seven emirates to remain united and to have one united voice.
Pray that the UAE will continue to lead the way in helping other GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) nations normalize relations with Israel.
Pray for economic stability in UAE after the close of the expo that began in 2020 (it ended in March). Pray that it will steer clear of any sudden economic downfall.
Pray for the reinstatement of physical worship and fellowship gatherings for the Ecclesia throughout the UAE.
Who is like the Lord, seated on high, who looks down on the heavens and the earth? He is the “Most High God”, the great I AM. He is who He says He is, God above all other gods, King above all kings whose name is faithful and true!
The Lord is calling His Bride out of Babylon, out of the whirlwinds of life, to enter the procession of the King. Just like in Exodus, the Lord is confronting the gods of the earth so that the world may know that He is the living God. The Lord desires to remove the veil over every eye and tear down the strongholds imprisoning every heart, so that His people may come to worship Him. The Commander of the army is leading His procession into freedom and redemption, into the land of promise where every kingdom on earth will become His inheritance.
We felt called into a season of consecration with childlike faith and awestruck wonder as we joined in the procession of the King. On February 16th we began a seven-week Perfume of Nations every Wednesday and Saturday, concluding on April 2nd. If you were not able to join during these times, we invite you to watch the recordings from the global perfume room. As one global family, we lifted the highest praise to the Highest One and crowned Jesus our Lord with every crown.
Perfume of Nations was broadcast on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.
Five Part Passover Teaching Series
By Asher Intrater
Past, Present, and Future
The Last Redemption
Lamb of God
Desiring to Come to the Table
The Whirlwind
By Mark Dupont
Understandably, the Book of Job is not usually mentioned as anyone’s favorite book in the Bible. While the overall theme of redemption and promotion following loss and destruction is thoroughly Biblical, we typically desire a less challenging route towards God’s blessings. However, I believe that vital lessons from the Book of Job are more than relevant for many Christian leaders at this precise moment in Church history! I think that the last several chapters of Job reveal some vital keys necessary for us to bring forth ‘beauty from ashes’ in this season.
This past September a small group from the global family met together in the Arabian Desert of Jordan at a place called Wadi Run. The Lord called us to come together to do three things,
To come together in a union with him.
To come together in a union with one another.
To give him the highest praise and listen to his voice.
“Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.” John 7:38
As we gathered, united in his presence, we found that rivers truly do run in the dry wastelands and in the desert. Isaiah 43:19 speaks of this, saying:
Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
From intimate times of laughter to deep times of travail, the Lord came and poured out living water in the middle of the Sinai Desert. Family members from as far as North America to Asia and throughout the Middle East came together to worship Yahweh as our King. We even enjoyed a sunrise morning with camel rides! It was a beautiful time to finally be face to face with one another after such a long separation. Whether you were present with us or not, what happened in the desert belongs to the whole family—drink deep from the river of his love.
From Our Prophetic Artists
The Creative Art team has been seeking to hear what the Spirit is saying and express it visually. Below, a few of the artists have released creative art from what they have seen in the Spirit during the past couple of months.
Deborah Robertson is an artist from Ireland who often sees images for nations. In this painting, she saw this image of Jesus reaching Canada, who was drowning and in desperate need of help from Him. Jesus was offering His hand to the person wearing the Canadian flag, representing the people of Canada. She had seen this vision prior to the recent crisis that Canada has been facing. It was very significant and encouraging to his family in Canada to see that Jesus would indeed lift them up again.
Deborah Robertson recently saw a birthing or travailing figure within the outline of the map of Europe, prostrate before the Lord God in deep travail. She saw that the Ukraine was positioned in the reproductive area of the figure and that the Spirit is desiring to bring a supernatural birthing of global impact. Our prayers need to birth and bring life to what the Spirit is doing.
Deborah Robertson also did a sketch of a child with a twisted ball of wool. This is what she said regarding this simple sketch, “I had this picture and idea in my spirit for weeks and did this quick sketch to share with you. I see and hear so many people trying to sort out many problems, especially in these turbulent days. As I listened to them, I kept seeing this image in my spirit of a tangled ball of wool. It was as if it was the earth in blues, browns, and greens, and I saw a child trying to sort out the mess that it was in. I saw this child learning to trust and let go of the mess.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths smooth (straight).
Brenda Tarasenko of Canada painted an image of a surfer riding a tsunami as it was released across the SEA (Southeast Asia) nations. The timing of the painting was significant with the message, “Ride the wave, don’t go under it.” We are to be anchored in Christ, who is the lifter of our heads. As we are empowered by the Spirit, His grace and strength will complete what He has begun in you, in families, and in the nations.
The Children of Egypt Lead a Joyful Procession to Crown Jesus as King
Luxor, Egypt
During the past year, many believers in Egypt and throughout the nations began to have dreams and receive revelations from the Lord regarding Egypt and what the Lord desires to do from the very place that has crowned false kings and gods. In early February 2022, many Egyptian fathers and mothers gathered 200 children for a children’s conference in Luxor, Egypt that would be followed by a procession of them dancing and singing to crown Jesus as King down the Ram’s Road (Road of the Kings). In this “Holy Procession,” they would crown Jesus as King through the purity of childlike faith. Great joy was released upon this road as parents and children came together for this powerful time and joyful procession to declare Jesus as King.
Many from the global family across the world joined them through the live online broadcast. We will be sharing more regarding what the Lord is continuing to do in Egypt in our next newsletter. Please be praying for our Egyptian family, and for all that the Lord has planned to do from this nation that represents the nations of the world.
If you are interested in watching the live recording of the children’s preparation for their procession on Ram’s Road, it can be found on YouTube.
Perfume of Nations: Wednesday and Saturday from February 16th - April 2nd on the Watchmen for the Nations YouTube channel. Videos will be available online if you miss a time.
“Behold, I Am Doing a New Thing” Global Online Gathering - February 28th, 2022 with David Demian, Asher Intrater, Alain Caron, Anna Demian, Adreas Keller, Tod McDowell, and the global worship leaders.
Join us for our next Global Gathering Online on April 18th, 2022: Global Passover Communion at 5 AM PDT/ 3 PM IDT. It will be available through the Watchmen for the Nation’s Facebook and Youtube Channels.
You can also stay inspired and connected through our Facebook page or Instragram account. Search: Watchmen for the Nations