Our Founder
Pastor, church planter, trail blazer, mentor and founder of Watchmen for the Nations, Bob Birch’s life touched countless people both in Canada and in the nations of the world.
In 1936, at the age of 22 Bob Birch began his first pastorate in a Baptist church in Penticton, British Columbia. He later founded West Vancouver Christian Fellowship in an old store and in 1951 became the rector of St. Margaret’s Reformed Episcopal Church in East Vancouver. All his Christian life, Pastor Bob hungered for more of God. With Rev. Bernice Gerard, Pastor Bob gave leadership to the charismatic movement in Vancouver. St. Margaret’s became a focal point of the Jesus movement of the 1960’s and 1970s and as hippies flooded the church, Pastor Bob abandoned his clerical robe, prayer book, pulpit, lectern, and choir; all of this to make room for the crowds of young people being swept into the kingdom of God.
Pastor Bob became a spiritual father and mentor to countless young converts, training them up in the ways of the Lord and imparting to them his deep commitment and passion. In 1977, in his 70th year, Pastor Bob moved on to pioneer another new work, Burnaby Christian Fellowship, where he pastored and preached for ten years.
After retiring from BCF, he then began his traveling ministry, venturing to many parts of the world. He taught and encouraged young ministers and people everywhere how to hear from God and to be obedient to His voice.
“Let him who has ears, hear what the spirit is saying to the churches” was truly a watchword and life verse for this servant of God. It was this longing and desire to hear God and obey his voice, which was at the heart of Pastor Bob’s founding of Watchmen for the Nations in 1991.
Among those with him at the founding of Watchmen for the Nations was a young Egyptian spiritual son, David Demian, who had been traveling with Pastor Bob for a number of years. In 1998, Pastor Bob turned over the leadership of Watchmen to David.
Pastor Bob Birch went to be with the Lord on December 6, 2007 at the age of 99. His legacy lives on as we continue in Watchmen to pray for the nation of Canada and contend to see John 17 unity of the believers released in accordance with this prayer of Jesus.