2022 was a year of overcoming many battles and yet also a year of great joy as we experienced the expansion of our beautiful global family. After two years of separation, many were able to travel to see each other face to face. We gathered in Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Lebanon, Bahrain, UAE, and more. We released high praise while coming together in oneness with one another and with our God.
Though we do not know what 2023 will hold, we posture our lives in expectancy and longing to see Yeshua receive his rightful inheritance from every nation, tongue, and tribe. We will seek him with all of our hearts and go where he says to go—gathering his family throughout the nations. We desire to assure that all know that they are a part of a loving global family.
We will rejoice with those who are rejoicing and mourn with those who are mourning or suffering. We will hold up the arms of the weary until they can run again as their strength is renewed.
Gatherings are already planned for South Korea and Bahrain. We rejoice in the opportunities to come together face to face and spirit to spirit. We pray that your new year will be filled with favor, blessings, peace, and joy.
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.
Romans 12:15
Our “This Is Us” section for the month of January is a special prayer edition. Our precious sister, Emma Kamel, was in a major car accident in New Jersey (USA) on November 28th. She has had numerous orthopedic surgeries on both of her legs and her left arm after breaking nearly every bone in her body. Her son, Rafik, who works with our tech team, wrote a beautiful description of his mom that we would like to share with you.
My mom, Emma Kamel is 56 and lives in Dallas, Texas. She was born and raised in Egypt but moved to the United States of America in 1994. She has two sons, Rafik and Daniel. She lives to be a mom. She also lives a simple life, never expressing a want for herself but always expressing a desire to serve others.
My mom loves to cook and host people in her home. She is known for her abundance and for her “more than enough” attitude in life. The portions she gives to others always overwhelm them in love, food, and serving. She gives freely and is pure in heart. She is quiet and strong. She is a hidden and humble one.
My mom is also an entrepreneur and successful business owner, supporting her whole family on her own for many years. She is built on a rock and amid great odds, she always trusts that God will provide for her. She is content in all things great and small. She sees the truth easily in others and gives no room for falsehoods. My mom is incredibly wise.
Lastly, my mom is unconscious of her character and beauty—vanity has no hold on her. She never esteems herself over another. She carries herself lightly with no regard to impress or stand out. She holds all things very lightly except when it comes to her family. My mom always makes sure that others are taken care of before herself.
Emma’s recovery will be long and extensive. We are praying and believing for supernatural healing and restoration to accompany all medical help. We also are praying for grace and strength as she hopes to walk again and serve others again in the beautiful way she has before the accident. We also want to pray for miraculous provision for all that is needed through this long journey forward.
This month we have a wonderful teaching from Ariel Blumenthal. The Bible tells us that “we wrestle not with flesh and blood”—so what do we struggle with? In this message, Ariel gives us some helpful insights from the Book of Ephesians. You will learn important principles about spiritual warfare. Struggles are everywhere today! The timeless truths in Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus are still relevant for us 2000 years later.
Brenda Tarasenko- Canada
Description: “Thru glory to glory we transform into God’s goodness.”
Sarah Joseph- India
Description: The inside downward spiral represents how we go down in our emotions when we are triggered by pain, circumstances, or our own sin. The stair steps up are the resources God has provided for us to come back up out of the pit. Our tears turn into the fire of passion.
Upcoming Gatherings
In the midst of shakings in the world, the Lord has called the Korean family to have a Korea Gathering from February 13th to 16th, 2023 in Seoul Korea to worship the Lord in oneness.
Some of you may have heard what happened in Korea during our pre-gathering in 2022 where the Lord humbled the Korean body of Christ as never before. We are seeking His presence in brokenness and transparency and inviting our global family to stand with us.
To prepare for the North Korean family to come home, the Lord is knitting the Korean family as one body under one head in brokenness and transparency.
We ask you to stand together with us in spirit and those who feel called to come to Korea, please come next February and lift Korean family's arms in such a time as this.
We love you all very much and we cannot wait to see you soon in Seoul Korea, and we together want to see what He has prepared.
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