What is a Gathering?

I will whistle for them and gather them. – Zechariah 10:8

A gathering is unlike a Christian conference where there are set times worship, keynote speakers and a pre-arranged order of events. A gathering is a call to come and worship the Lord while corporately posturing together to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. It is a time of gathering the family of God to move according to the Jesus’ prayer in John 17 for unity with one another and with Him.

Gatherings are facilitated by a team of trusted and mature leaders who serve together in order to provide spiritual oversight, discernment and a protective covering within the gatherings. This servant team walks closely together both before and after gatherings in order to continue to serve what the Spirit speaks during a gathering.

Gatherings can be regional, national and global. Global gatherings occur once a year in the place that the Lord speaks to the global servant team. National gatherings are focused on a particular nation for the purpose of fulfilling what the Lord has for that nation. Regional gatherings are for the purpose of serving a particular region within a nation.

Gatherings are a time to worship, pray and wait upon the Lord. During these times we have seen the family of God repent of sins, reconcile with one another as individuals and people groups, discovered God’s heart and original intent for nations and allowed the Father’s longings to be fulfilled.

God desires to gather His children together from all over the world to lavish us with His love (Zephaniah 3:17); to knit our hearts together in supernatural oneness as one family (John 17); and to reveal His heart to us concerning our unique mandate and destiny in His end-time purposes. (Jeremiah 29:11).

At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home. – Zephaniah 3:20