2018 Gatherings
Oldest on top.
FEBRUARY 7-10, 2018
From February 7 to 10, the Malaysian family spearheaded the Tribal Family Gathering in Sabah. Meeting together in the city of Kota Kinabalu, many from the global family heard the call and joined with the Malaysian family to see the tribes of Malaysia take their place as the gatekeepers of the land.
Over the course of eight sessions, the Holy Spirit was given control and led those gathered as they worshipped with one voice. The Lord spoke clearly that this is a sovereign and holy year for Malaysia, that the prayers and promises of the past have not been forgotten, and that His purposes will be accomplished in the land. Malaysia was called into a deeper intimacy with the Lord; a bringing together of the heart of Malaysia with the heart of the Lord, starting with the first peoples of the land. It was clear that this intimacy required a sacrifice and laying down to allow a consummation of the union between Malaysia and the Lord. As the peoples of Malaysia stood in obedience to this call from the Lord, together with the authority that came with the unity of those that joined from the global family, Malaysia saw a breakthrough that will allow it to become a link between the nations of the Middle East and those of Asia. In this time, where Asia is rising up to take its place among the nations, Malaysia is being uniquely positioned.
As the nations gathered to stand with Malaysia, we felt the joy of the Lord as those from other nations shared the journey that brought them to Malaysia for this gathering. They shared precious gifts in various forms as the hearts of those in Malaysia, and the heart of the Lord, was blessed.
MARCH 21-23, 2018
The time has come for the Lord to take pleasure in the 500 years of Reformation that He has done within His Body, as He gathers the families of the Nations in different parts of the world. The Global Gathering in Korea is one expression of this.
The Lord is jealously wanting to tabernacle or to dwell with His people, so He can take back all that the enemy has stolen. In this season of increased unity in the Church, the Lord is establishing a critical mass, a remnant, that He can use to express His authority through. He is giving authority, through different expressions, to restore things and to bring in the Harvest from all nations.
As we gathered, we anticipated shifts in the spiritual atmosphere as well as in the natural.
JUNE 13-15, 2018
The Lord did an amazing work of oneness and transformation in this gathering. In the fullness of time, a North American Chinese family was born under one head, our Lord Jesus Christ. As leaders shared their stories of finding true fathers, covenant relationship, honouring our fathers and our spiritual inheritance, hearts were changed and relationships were healed.
SEPTEMBER 11-15, 2018
The Lord is using Australia in this season as a place of birthing and a launching pad for the South Pacific. The time is now for the Aborigines of Australia to take their place, as the original gatekeepers, to open the door for God’s purposes to be fulfilled in Australia and in the nations. In the gathering in Cairns, the indigenous people rose up out of pain as one family with the Aussies. Then, in Adelaide, the leaders in Australia were in one heart to provide a safe place for the presence of the Lord. The Lord is bringing the body of Christ in Australia together as one, so a new measure of authority is released now to see His Kingdom come and His will be done in Australia as it is in heaven.
SEPTEMBER 19-22, 2018
God’s movements on earth are beginning to converge. Family Journey and IHOP (International House of Prayer) looked like two rivers flowing at a high speed, but then suddenly merged at the Convergence gathering. As this convergence took place, the power of His presence was unlike either individual ministry had experienced.
As the Lord melted hearts together, He released a supernatural joy and a deep love for one another, which allowed us to own one another, including our burdens and our successes. This ushered in a deeper realization that the Lord is preparing a global family for Him to come and dwell among, and with that, there was also a deeper shift from a leadership fathering a vision, to one that is fathering a family and releasing spiritual sons and daughters. Two ministries that have not connected much in the past became one big family, and suddenly, felt the oneness that Jesus prayed about in John 17:22 — “I have given them the glory that you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one”.
We believe that what the Lord did at Convergence is going to be a seed, not only for the Watchmen "Homecoming" family and IHOP, but it will multiply among other ministries, callings, and anointings, and we will see many more rivers merging into a powerful oneness, so that the fullness of John 17 will become a reality.
NOVEMBER 5-6, 2018
One year ago the Lord released an important message to the body of Christ in Malaysia. He said that the coming year (October 2017 to October 2018) would be the year of open doors. He also said that there would be a distinction between the righteous and the wicked, and that things hidden in Malaysia would be exposed. Malaysia used to be a laughing stock in the nations, but today it is the nation that people think of when they hear the question, “Can a nation be born in a day?” We have seen tremendous breakthrough and Malaysia has entered a New Era!
The family came together as one to seek the Lord deliberately for His strategies, and for clarity and fresh revelation on how to move on from here. We can then walk in the fullness of what He has ― that the destiny of Malaysia will continue to shift towards God’s original intent.