Canada's Early Years Walking With Nations

In late 2001, the Lord began opening doors into a number of nations, including Taiwan, Switzerland and Germany. In each of these nations, Watchmen has begun walking with national church leadership to determine the steps of obedience necessary to unlock their specific national destiny with a view to helping prepare the bride of Christ globally for the Lord's return. In Taiwan, this has meant 9 trips in the span of one year, culminating with 20,000 believers gathering on February 28, 2003 for a national day of repentance for idolatry.

Article: Report on Taiwan’s National Day of Repentance


In Germany, David Demian has walked closely with a small group of key church leadership from this nation and the German-speaking nations. And in Switzerland in May 2003, a national repentance took place between the Swiss State church and the Anabaptists (i.e. Amish who fled persecution in the 1500's) that was a direct result of a meeting between these two groups at the Charlottetown Gathering in Canada, August 2002.


We believe that these initiatives are just a foretaste of how the Lord wants to use Canada to be a healing to the nations. Many nations, including Hong Kong, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea and others have expressed an interest in what the Lord is doing in Canada. We believe God wants to use Canada as a model of what He can do through a church walking in humility and brokenness. As one national church leader from Switzerland said when he attended the Charlottetown Gathering in 2002, We are here like the spies to see what the Lord can do by grace. We are in a land of milk and honey. And we are here in the spirit of Joshua and Caleb and we will go back and tell our sisters and brothers, the Lord can do it also in Switzerland like in Canada. We have seen the fruit of the work of the Holy Spirit and it is for us a deep refreshing, a living hope and we are so thankful to be here and to be strengthened through you.

Article: Canada: Hope of the Nations
