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He has remembered His covenant forever,

The word which He commanded to a thousand generations…

Psalm 105:8

During the month of July, a small team met together along with family representatives from UAE and Bahrain, to discern what the Lord was saying regarding the Gulf region of the Middle East. During this time of discernment, Sherri Chan, our precious sister from Hong Kong, heard the Spirit say,

“I remember.”

She responded, “What do you remember?”

He said, “I remember my covenant with Abraham.”

And Abraham said to God, “If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!”

Genesis 17:18

It was four thousand years ago that Abraham cried out to God for Ishmael to live under the blessing of Yahweh. To our surprise, suddenly God is using the nation of Bahrain to open up a gate to usher in the blessing of Ishmael that Abraham cried out for. God remembers.

How many of us have heard a promise and questioned if God remembered his covenant promise after only a decade of waiting? We know that Abraham and Sarah waited many decades to receive the fulfillment the promise of a son. Yet, when Sarah was ninety years old, she held the promise in her arms causing the years of doubt and despair to wash away with one touch of his hand and look at his face.

After Sherri Chan heard the words, “I remember,” she felt to draw the picture below upon the story of Isaac’s birth within her Bible.

We believe that this is now happening, not only because we have entered the fullness of God’s time but also because God has found a family to receive Ishmael. We feel that the local and global family component is the missing key to unlocking the Middle East—Bahrain is the door with the lock that has long awaited to find the missing key. A representative of the global family is now planning to go to this island nation from October 20-26 as we stand in faith to be the key to unlocking this door.

Bahrain is a small island that connects to Saudi Arabia in the Gulf region of the Middle East. We believe that it can be likened to a spiritual Bethlehem that will bring forth the long-awaited cry of Abraham. God uses small mustard seeds to move mountains and Bahrain is a mustard seed nation to bring forth “firsts” for the rest of the Middle Eastern nations. Recently the government of Bahrain did an unprecedented thing by acknowledging that Christianity existed there as far back as 500 years after the death of Jesus; therefore, it was a Christian nation before any other religion was introduced. We are calling back God’s original purpose for Bahrain—this hidden jewel that will adorn the neck of the bride.

Last April God called for a representative from the global family to go to Egypt. While there, the Lord placed a table before us in the presence of our enemies—meaning, the gods of Egypt. The Lord surprised us with a prophetic act where we presented a bride that was clothed with a veil. At the point where the veil was lifted, one man saw the Lord lifting the veil of his bride. He saw his love for his bride and understood that his heart and love had been awakened. He was like Boaz when he saw how beautiful Ruth was. Naomi, Ruth’s mother-in-law, said, “This man will not give himself rest until he has Ruth as his bride.” This is where we are and God will go from nation to nation, receiving his bride who has been hidden behind a veil. The Lord will take her by the hand and say, “Arise, our time has come.” We believe that the Lord will do this in Bahrain.


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