for joining us for the Korea Gathering: Online!
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We are amazed at how the Global Family came together at this time — mantles, ministries, and anointings marrying one another for the sake of His purposes and glory at this hour. It was such a privilege to witness God doing a brand new thing among the nations of the earth.
We gathered:
for 3 hours 30 minutes;
from every continent, with over 147 nations represented (over 75% of all nations);
with an aggregated 120,000+ devices - most with multiple individuals - and possibly much more via cross-sharing of the broadcast across the continent.
To receive these updates and more, feel free to follow us on our social media platforms on Facebook and Instagram. You may also subscribe to our newsletter by submitting the form below.
While an online Gathering is quite different from a physical one, there are still a number of costs associated with the use of this method. We are asking each of you to pray and seek the Lord with regard to sowing in helping cover these costs. As the Lord leads, we may be hosting many more in the near future at this critical time.
To sow and to learn more about the Kingdom principle of sowing and reaping, please follow the links below.